Publications & Work in Progress

El buen sabio Tlamati in the Florentine Codex

El buen sabio Tlamati in the Florentine Codex

My research agenda spans several areas, broadly related to governance and development in Mexico and Latin America. For many years I have been interested in questions of federalism, decentralization and local development. Much of my early work sought to understand the incentives that federal and local institutions provide for better service delivery and democratic accountability. My more recent scholarly work falls under five general areas: 1) Indigenous governance; 2) colonialism and indigenous identity; 3) violence, security and police reform; 4) the political economy of public health; and 5) federalism.


Work in Progress:


Articles, reports and book chapters:

(forthcoming) with Beatriz Magaloni and Alex Ruiz Euler, “Public Good Provision and Traditional Governance in Indigenous Communities in Oaxaca, Mexico”, Comparative Political Studies.

(forthcoming) Fiscal Federalism and Redistribution in Mexico. Scott Greer, Alan Trench and Heather Elliott (eds.) Federalism in Good Times and Bad.

(2017) with Pablo Beramendi and Melissa Rogers. “Barriers to Egalitarianism. Distributive Tensions in Latin American Federations”. Latin American Research Review. 52(4), pp. 529–551.

(2017) with Beatriz Magaloni and Brenda Jarillo. Evaluación de Impacto del Programa Jovenes con Porvenir. México: México Evalúa, Centro de Análisis de Políticas Públicas.

(2017) “Las Tensiones entre Federalismo y Centralismo Fiscal en las Constituciones”. In Cien Ensayos para el Centenario. Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Tomo 4. Estudios Políticos. Gerardo Esquivel (coord.). México. UNAM.

(2016) with Vidal Romero and Beatriz Magaloni. “Presidential Approval in Hard Times: Mexico’s War on Crime” Latin American Politics and Society. 58(2):100-123.

(2016) with Michael Albertus, Beatriz Magaloni, and Barry R. Weingast. "Authoritarian survival and poverty traps: Land reform in Mexico." World Development 77: 154-170.

(2016) “Non-Discrimination of Indigenous Peoples in Mexico: A component of positive peace.” Mexico Peace Index 2016. Mapping the Evolution of Peace and its Drivers. Institute of Economics and Peace. March. IEP Report 38: 91-93.

(2015) with Gabriela Calderon, Gustavo Robles and Beatriz Magaloni. “The Beheading of Criminal Organizations and the Dynamics of Violence in Mexico.” Journal of Conflict Resolution. 59: 1348-1376.

(2015) with Vidal Romero and Beatriz Magaloni. “The Mexican War on Drugs: Crime and the Limits of Government Persuasion.” International Journal of Public Opinion Research 27.1: 125-137.

(2015) with Beatriz Magaloni and Vidal Romero. “Caught in the Crossfire: The Geography of Extortion and Police Corruption in Mexico”. In Lagunes, Paul and Rose-Ackerman, Susan (eds.). Greed, Corruption and the Modern State: Essays in Political Economy. E. Elgar.

(2015) with Edgar Franco, Jorge Olarte and Beatriz Magaloni. "Drugs, Bullets, and Ballots: The Impact of Violence on the 2012 Presidential Election”. Mexico’s Evolving Democracy: A Comparative Study of the 2012 Elections. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

(2014) with Beatriz Magaloni and Alex Ruiz Euler, “Direct Democracy, Decentralization and Governance in Indigenous Communities in Mexico”, World Development. 53: 80-93.

(2014) with Zaira Razu. ¿Hacia Dónde va le economía política en México? El Trimestre Económico. October.

(2013) with Andrew Seele, “Where are We? Assessing the U.S.- Mexico Relationship”. In Smith, Peter and Seele, Andrew (eds.). Mexico and the United States: The Politics of Partnership. Boulder: Lynne Rienne

(2013) with Beatriz Magaloni, “International influences in the Mexican (failed and successful) transitions to democracy” in Katherine Stoner-Weiss, Larry Diamond, Desha Girod and Michael McFaul (eds.) Transitions to Democracy: A Comparative Assessment. Johns Hopkins University Press.

(2013) “Entrenched Insiders: Limited Access Order in Mexico”. John Joseph Wallis,Steven B. Webb, and Barry R. Weingast (eds.) In the Shadow of Violence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

(2012) with Beatriz Magaloni, Jorge Olarte and Edgar Franco. La Geografía Electoral de 2012. México: México Evalúa.

(2012) with Beatriz Magaloni and Vidal Romero. “La Raiz del Miedo: ¿Por qué es la percepción de riesgo mucho más grande que las tasas de victimización”. En José Antonio Aguilar (ed.). Las Bases Sociales del Crimen Organizado y la Violencia en México. México: SSP/CIES.

(2009) with Beatriz Magaloni, “Aiding Latin America’s Poor” Journal of Democracy Vol.20 No. 4.

(2009) with Federico Estevez and Beatriz Magaloni "Buying off the Poor: Effects of targeted Benefits in the 2006 Presidential Race"Jorge I. Dominguez, Chappell Lawson, and Alejandro Moreno, eds. Consolidating Mexico's Democracy: The 2006 Presidential Campaign in Comparative Perspective. Johns Hopkins University Press.

(2008) with Federico Estevez and Beatriz Magaloni, "A House Divided Against Itself: How the PRI Survives after 2000", in Edward Friedman and Joseph Wong (eds.), Learning to Lose: Dominant Party Systems and their Transitions, Routledge


(2008) “Electoral Risk and Redistributive Politics in Mexico and the United States”, Studies in Comparative International Development, 43(1).

(2007) with Beatriz Magaloni and Federico Estevez "Clientelism and portfolio diversification: a model of electoral investment with applications to Mexico ", in Herbert Kitschelt and Steve Wilkinson (eds.) Patrons or Policies? Patterns of Democratic Accountability and Political Competition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

(2006) with Jose Antonio Gonzalez and Fernando Rojas “Mexico’s Decentralization at a Cross-Roads”, T.N. Srinivasan and Jessica Seddon Wallack (eds.) Federalism, Economic Reform, and Globalization, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

(2005) “Endogenous Institutional Change in the Mexican Senate”, Comparative Political Studies, 38(10):1196-1218.

(2004) “Dependencia Fiscal y Estrategias de Coalición en el Federalismo Mexicano” (Coalition Building Strategies and Fiscal Dependence in Mexican Federalism), Política y Gobierno, XI(2): 231-262.

(2004) “El Federalismo y los Límites Políticos de la Redistribución” (Federalism and the Political Limits of Redistribution), Gestión y Política Pública, XIII(3): 663-687.

(2004) "Decentralization, Democratization and Federalism in Mexico" in Kevin Middlebrook (ed.) Dilemmas of Change in Mexican Politics, Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, UCSD, pp.198-236.

(2004) "Do Federal Institutions Matter? Rules and Political Practices in Regional Resource Allocation in Mexico", in Edward Gibson (ed.) Federalism and Democracy in Latin America, Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 297-322

(2004) with Beatriz Magaloni, "Mexico: Designing Electoral Rules for a Dominant Party", in Josep Colomer (ed.) Handbook of Electoral System Choice, Palgrave: Macmillan/St Martin's, pp. 145-154.

(2003) Tragic Brilliance: Equilibrium Party Hegemony in Mexico. With Beatriz Magaloni and Barry Weingast. Unpublished highly cited article.

(2002) with Rafael Gamboa and Fausto Hernández, “Determinants and Consequences of Bailing Out States in Mexico”, Eastern Economic Journal 28(3), pp. 365-380.

(2002) with Roberto Blum, “Rentier States and Geography in Mexico’s Development”, IDB Working Paper 155.

(2001) with Beatriz Magaloni, “Party Dominance and the Logic of Electoral Design in the Mexican Transition to Democracy”, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 13(3):271-293.

(2000) with Steve Webb and Fernando Rojas, "Historical Forces: Geographic and Political", in Marcelo Giugale and Steven B. Webb (eds.) Achievements and Challenges of Fiscal Decentralization. Lessons From Mexico, Washington: The World Bank, pp. 123-138.

(2000) with Tom Courchene "Transfers and the Nature of the Mexican Federation", in Marcelo Giugale and Steven B. Webb (eds.) Achievements and Challenges of Fiscal Decentralization. Lessons from Mexico, Washington: The World Bank, pp. 200-236.

(2000) with Charles E. McLure, "Tax Assignment", in Marcelo Giugale and Steven B. Webb (eds.) Achievements and Challenges of Fiscal Decentralization. Lessons From Mexico, Washington: The World Bank, pp. 177-199.

(1998) with Beatriz Magaloni “Autoridad Presupuestal del Poder Legislativo en México: una Primera Aproximación” (Budgetary Authority of the Mexican Legislature: A Preliminary Assessment) Política y Gobierno, Vol.5(2): 503-528.

(1997) “Asignación Política de Recursos en el Federalismo Mexicano: Incentivos y Restricciones” (Political Resource Allocation in Mexican Federalism: Incentives and Constraints), Perfiles Latinoamericanos, 6(10):35-74.

Carta Etnografica of 1885 by Antonio Garcia Cubas. David Rumsey Historical Map Collection

Carta Etnografica of 1885 by Antonio Garcia Cubas. David Rumsey Historical Map Collection